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Welcome to the 6th Maidanak Users Meeting (MUM), hosted by the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (UBAI).
The 6th MUM will be hosted as a fully virtual meeting this year, unless the epidemic situation permits to travel to Uzbekistan. The online meeting will serve as the platform for all the Maidanak users to exchange the ideas and share information.
The time in the program corresponds to Tashkent local (UT+5) time.
Tashkent time is 4h ahead of CET and 3h behind of Beijing time.
Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, India times are more-less fit with Tashkent time.
Time indicated in the Program is given in Tashkent time.
We suggest to have the meeting time from 10 am till 5 pm with one hour LUNCH break between 1-2 pm (Tashkent time).
All presentations will be recorded (with permissions of authors) and uploaded on the meeting web-site (mum.astrin.uz).
UBAI is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 6th - Maidanak Users Meeting
Time: Nov 1, 2021 09:00 AM Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent
Every day, until Nov 3, 2021, 3 occurrence(s)
Nov 1, 2021 09:00 AM
Nov 2, 2021 09:00 AM
Nov 3, 2021 09:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 0872 6340
Passcode: 483082
During the online 6th MUM, we will review the developments that the MAO has made in the recent years and report its current state; the progresses and achievements of collaboration projects will be presented; and we will also make plans for future operations and projects.
We look forward to seeing you virtually and to the major outcomes of the 6th MUM.
Maidanak astronomical observatory (MAO) is an observational facility of the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (UBAI), Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. UBAI is located in a city of Tashkent - the capital of Uzbekistan, and served as a headquarters of the MAO. Maidanak at a distance of about 500 km the South-West of Tashkent and 120 km the South of famous historical city of Samarkand.
Maidanak observatory is unique due to its geographical location at the mid distance between the world main astronomical facilities at the Canaries and the Hawaii as well as to its high-quality atmospheric conditions (astroclimate). The total amount of clear night time is 2000 hours with median seeing of 0.70 arcsec. It makes Maidanak a very useful and critical site for various observing programs required continuous monitoring of astrophysical objects.
Since 1996 MAO has been involved to a number of international observational and research programs. The work is carrying out in frame of bilateral agreements between UBAI and Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, US, German, French, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Taiwan and some other astronomical institutions.
Since the number of MAO partners is sufficiently increased a real need on coordinating of programs and efforts of different organizations on MAO activity was erected. At 2009 Maidanak Users community was established on the first (inaugural) meeting in Seoul, Korea. 2nd Maidanak Users meeting was organized in Tashkent and Maidanak observatory. 3rd meeting was held in Tokyo, Japan at the beginning of 2012. The 4th Maidanak users meeting was held on July 1-4, 2013 in Tarusa, Russia. The 5th Maidanak Users Meeting was held at Xinglong Observatory, PR China from April 16 - 19, 2018.
Today MAO became a real international organization whose scientific activity and priority topics selected on the base of coordination by Maidanak Users community. The community also play important role on providing MAO with instrumentation and upgrading the telescopes. It also provides support for renewal its infrastructure.