Participants |
List of сonfirmed participants (40) |
Nurjamal Berdalieva |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
«A potential tool for stellar activity analysis»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 03, 15:40 (UTC+5)
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A potential tool for stellar activity analysis
Azizbek Matekov |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
«Orbital inclination changes of eclipsing binaries (Nodal motion)»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 16:40 (UTC+5)
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The binary stars are crucial for our knowledge
about the universe. Especially, eclipsing binaries
provide us a unique insight into the basic
physical parameters of the stars, stellar clusters
and galaxies.
Regular astronomical studies of eclipsing
binaries allow us to discover a unique effect in
the nature of eclipsing binaries.
One of them is the effect of nodal motion.
Karamat Mirtadjieva |
Organization: Ulugh Beg Astronomical institute
Country: Uzbekistan
Katerina Minenko |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
«Application of wavelet analysis for long-term variation search»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 01, 16:00 (UTC+5)
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An increase of observational data from Maidanak observatory requires the development and application of modern methods of processing and analysis of digital images. One of these methods can be soon wavelet transform. Wavelet analysis is used in many fields of physics that involve the study of (nonstationary) time series like astronomy, geophysics, acoustics et cetera.
In this talk we present an example of application of wavelet analysis for digital images from the SOHO space observatory. The application of wavelet analysis made it possible to detect the presence of 11-year variations in all the cases considered, which was not revealed by other methods.
Our results can serve as an example, that wavelet analysis could be successfully used for researches of long-term variations of different indexes, including for data from Maidanak.
Alina Halikova |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
«Machine Learning Techniques for Light Curves Analysis. Variable stars.»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 01, 16:20 (UTC+5)
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We present the results of the search for new candidates for eclipsing binaries with eccentric orbits using publicly available data from the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) variable star catalog and new candidates of variable stars from MAO observations using unsupervised machine learning.
Yurij Krugly |
Organization: Institute of Astronomy, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Country: Ukraine
Salakhutdin Nuritdinov |
Organization: National University of Uzbekistan
Country: Uzbekistan
Qudrat Yuldoshev |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
«Uzbek−Chinese cooperation on UBAI photographic archive digitization»
Presentation type: Contributed talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 01, 16:40 (UTC+5)
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Uzbek−Chinese cooperation on UBAI photographic archive digitization
Kazuhiro Sekiguchi |
Organization: NAOJ
Country: Japan
Bobomurat Ahmedov |
Organization: Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute
Country: Uzbekistan
«Astrophysical Observable Properties of Black Holes and Neutron Stars»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 01, 14:40 (UTC+5)
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During the last twenty years, due to the extensive help and assistance of the interna-
tional scientific community, there has been a great success in the development and establishment
of new well-functioning and competitive scientific groups specialized in general relativity and rel-
ativistic astrophysics in Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Kazakhstan (Astana and Almaty), Kyrgyzstan
(Bishkek) and great achievements have been made on the study in Central Asia in relativistic
cosmology and astrophysics of compact gravitational objects.
Danfeng Xiang |
Organization: THU
Country: China
«Observational studies of SN 2017ein and a peculiar transient AT2018cow»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 10:30 (UTC+5)
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Observational studies
of SN 2017ein and a peculiar transient AT2018cow
Dovron Mirzaqulov |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
«Monitoring of SN explosions at Maidanak Observatory»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 01, 15:00 (UTC+5)
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Nowadays, opening a supernova is a very interesting and very difficult task. Because there are now many automated supernova search projects that are actively working (Example: ASAS-SN, ZTF, Gaia, ATLAS, Pan-STARRS et al.).
However, it is also very important to monitoring it after the Supernova explosion. Because this process helps to study the information about the explosion, about the progenitor star in the place of the exploded object.
That is why our Maidanak Observatory also has a supernova explosions monitoring program. In the presentation, talk about the statistics of supernova observations at the Maidanak Observatory.
Alisher Hojaev |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
«Variables in Clusters and Beyond»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 16:00 (UTC+5)
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The main cornestones of the current joint granted project between ARIES and UBAI as well as other initiatives will be outlined most probably briefly.
Aleksander Serebryanskiy |
Organization: Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute
Country: Kazakhstan
«On collaboration between UBAI and FAI: instrumentation development, installation and upgrade in Maidanak»
Presentation type: Contributed talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 03, 10:00 (UTC+5)
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We will talk about some possible collaboration between UBAI and FAI
in developing new instruments, upgrading existing telescopes, and possibly installing a telescope at Maidanak. We will present our recent results on this kind of activity at Assy-Trugen and TShAO for UBAI reference to consider the possible route of collaboration.
Mansur Ibrahimov |
Organization: Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences (INASAN))
Country: Russian Federation
«Exoasteroid impact flares: past and future optical observations at Maidanak»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 03, 11:30 (UTC+5)
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Exoasteroid impact flares: past and future optical observations at Maidanak
Mansur Ibrahimov
Institute of Astronomy RAS, 48 Pyatnitskaya Str., 119017 Moscow, Russia
The inner Solar system population consists of 3 general types of objects: planets (8 objects), comets (up to thousand objects) and asteroids (up to million Main Asteroid Belt objects). Relatively similar distribution (from the most populated exoasteroids to the mimimal population of exoplanets) is expected to observe in the inner debris/scattered disk of exosystems. However, so far observed exosystem population demonstrate some different numbers. Up to date about 5000 exoplanets, about 500 exocomets (observed in 20-30 exosystems), and only 2 exoasteroids (observed in IR) had been detected. Obviously, there is some general discrepancy in observational manifestation of different type exosystem population. The most populated exoasteroids demonstrate (natural or selective ?) the least detectability. Using Solar System analogy and considering typical sizes (100-1000 km), denses (5 g/cm3) and relative velocities (10-30 km/sec) for exoasteroids, one could expect that during impact events they will produce an energy well exceed a flare energy of typical UV Cet type stars (which is 1028 − 1030 erg). If so, a question is: why so few (only 2) exoasteroid manifestation had been observed so far ? New and unusual "Red Flare" on stars (RFs) are described in the talk. Compiled statistics (5 RFs observed in 3 systems) and observed features of RFs are shown and briefly discussed. 4 of 5 RFs had been detected at Maidanak observatory in 1991-1993. A general conclusion of the talk: RFs are suggested to interpret as exoasteroid manifestations in optic (exoasteroid impact flares). Some ideas and prospects for the future RFs detection in optic (including future Maidanak detections) are proposed.
Left panel: Red flare (RF) observed in 1992 light curves of IX Oph in (top to bottom) R, V, B, U bands. Scales in mag and JD2400000+ units. General RF features are clearly seen: red maximum in R and (opposite) red amplitude distribution from flare in R to anti-flare (eclipse) in U.
Right panel: Two-color (U-B)-(B-V ) diagram for intrinsic flare radiation. Typical UV Cet type flare radiation are plotted as blue squares. Red square denotes intrinsic radiation for RF observed on IX Oph.
Andrey Shugarov |
Organization: Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Science
Country: Russian Federation
«INASAN's experience to build 1 m wide field telescopes. A proposal to build 1 m telescope with field of view of 12 square degrees and 9x9 k CMOS detector for Maidanak observatory»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 03, 12:00 (UTC+5)
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Currently, more and more wide field telescopes are being put into operation in the world. However, the task of a daily survey of the entire available celestial sphere with a sensitivity deeper than 20m has not yet been solved due to the lack of available medium-aperture (about 1 m) telescopes. To build such a network, it is necessary to implement new technologies in order to achieve better performance, primarily in terms of increasing the field of view. On the other hand, it is necessary to keep the complexity and cost of a single network node within a reasonable limit.
The flagship BRICS Intelligent Telescope and Data Network (BITDN) project to build a global network of 1 m class wide field telescopes was selected for implementation.
INASAN has experience building a focal reducer for the Zeiss 1000 telescope at Crimean Observatory to increase a field of view up to 0.8 deg on 50 mm size detector.
INASAN has experience building a wide field survey telescope AZ1000WF with an aperture of 1 m and a field of view of 3 degrees in diameter (130 mm). It was designed to operate with a 10x10 k format CCD camera, the detector's field of view is 4 square degrees.
Today a new EQ1000WF F1.3 telescope was designed by ASA Astrosysteme GmbH. The first telescope will be built in 2022 for RSA. It uses a heritage of the previously successfully built AZ1000WF telescope. Thanks to a new advanced lens corrector, the field of view on a 90 mm size detector has been increased up to 11.6 sq. deg without the need to use a full-aperture lens corrector. The back focus of 100 mm allows the use of a filter change mechanism with up to 8 filters of 120 mm size. A similar filter changer was developed for AZ1000WF by Astrosib LLC. Equatorial mount allows avoidance of the field derotator. An upcoming 9x9 k format (90 mm size) CMOS from Chinese company GPIXEL can reduce the dead time between exposures down to 3 s and improve sensitivity of the telescope because of the low readout noise (5 e-) in comparison to classical CCD of the same size.
A combination of a new fast focal ratio wide field 1 m telescope EQ1000WF F1.3 and a fast 9x9 k CMOS sensor is an efficient way to build a cost-effective survey system with 20m sensitivity.
The research was carried out with the financial support from the RFBR in the framework of the scientific project No. 19-29-11013.
Alexei Pozanenko |
Organization: Space Research Institute (IKI)
Country: Russian Federation
«Maidanak observatory for observations of astrophysical transients»
Presentation type: Contributed talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 11:10 (UTC+5)
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We discuss observations of transients at the Maidanak observatory in previous periods and requirements for transient observations at the current time. These requirements are necessary for the effective investigation of the transients in modern research of GRB, SN/GRB, TDE and electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave events detected by LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA.
Fumi Yoshida |
Organization: University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan
Country: Japan
Takashi Ito |
Organization: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Country: Japan
Ildar Asfandiyarov |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
«Observations of gravitational lenses at high quality conditions of the Maidanak observatory»
Presentation type: Contributed talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 01, 14:00 (UTC+5)
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Observations of gravitationally lensed quasars at the Maidanak observatory require maximum use of the observatory's capabilities and methods. An overview of the issues of using the maximum potential of the astroclimate, the AZT-22 telescope and its optics, improving angular resolution and the results of observations of gravitationally lensed quasars J1721+8842, J1433+6007, J2145+6345 is presented.
Wen-Ping Chen |
Organization: NCU, Taiwan
Country: Taiwan
Alexey Sergeyev |
Organization: Observatory de la Cote d'Azur
Country: France
Dima Alekseev |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
Zhong-Han Ai |
Organization: National central University
Country: Taiwan
Sergey Belkin |
Organization: IKI - Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Country: Russian Federation
«GRB 201015A: from seconds to months optical monitoring and supernova discovery»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 12:00 (UTC+5)
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Nowadays, more than 10,000 cosmic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been detected. However, only for about 25 of them, reliable spectroscopic confirmation of the connection of the source of the GRB with supernovae (SNe) has been obtained. This is less than 1% of the total number of registered GRBs and much less than the number of detected core-collapse SNe. The detection and investigation of each such event still make a significant contribution to the study of the connection between GRBs and SNe.
We present observations of GRB 201015A (z = 0.42) in the optical range from seconds to months from the moment of its registration, the discovery of the SN associated with this GRB, and its phenomenological modeling. The results were obtained after processing and analyzing our own observations in the optical range, carried out within a month and a half after the GRB registration. The observations were carried out at observatories that are part of the IKI GRB Follow-up Network, which includes telescopes with a primary mirror diameter of 0.7-2.6 m. Data on observations of this source from all over the world were also collected. It made it possible to construct a light curve that has practically continuous coverage, starting from the prompt emission phase and continuing until the fading of the source down to the level of the host galaxy. The supernova was confirmed by spectroscopic observations with the Multi-Object Double Spectrographs (MODS) instrument mounted on the 2x8.4-m LBT telescope as an Ic-BL supernova. Optical observations in the region of the SN maximum at the Maidanak Astronomical Observatory (MAO) made it possible to photometrically confirm the presence of SN in the light curve of the GRB 201015A. Based on the results of the SN light curve simulations, some parameters of SN 201015A were obtained, including the absolute magnitude at maximum (Mv = -19.4m +/- 0.6), as well as the time from the beginning of GRB 201015A to the SN maximum (10.5 +/- 1.1 days). We discuss a further comprehensive analysis of the light curve of the GRB 201015A, modeling of SN parameters, and search complexity for SNe associated with GRBs.
Alina Volnova |
Organization: Space research institute of Russian academy of Sciences
Country: Russian Federation
«Recent peculiar GRB-related сounterparts observed with AZT-22»
Presentation type: Contributed talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 12:20 (UTC+5)
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A. Volnova, A. Pozanenko, S. Belkin, N. Pankov
We present first results of several peculiar GRB optical counterparts
observed by AZT-22 in 2020-2021. The light curve of presumable long GRB
200228B at redshift of z = 0.37 exibits short term re-brightening which
is not consistent with collapsar origin of GRB 200228B. GRB 200826A
initially was considered as short duration GRB, however a supernova (SN)
feature was observed, suggesting the GRB 200826A to be a long GRB. We
observed rising phase of the SN. GRB 210413B was classified as a short
burst. No optical afterglow was discovered, and we detected a host
galaxy with AZT-22 observations. Our multicolour investigations of the
host galaxy suggests it to be a distant quasar. A detailed monitoring of
GRB 210610B aimed to search for SN signature shows a short
re-bightening which might be gravitational lensing of an afterglow of
GRB 210610B at inervining system.
Sang Chul KIM |
Organization: Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Country: Korea, South
Gu Lim |
Organization: Seoul National University
Country: Korea, South
«Constraints on the Progenitor System of a Type Ia SN 2019ein from the Early Light Curve»
Presentation type: Contributed talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 10:50 (UTC+5)
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The progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is mainly believed to be a close binary system of a carbon-oxygen white dwarf (CO WD) and non-degenerate companion (single degenerate) or another WD (double degenerate). However, it is unclear which system is more prevalent. Here, we present a high cadence optical/Near-IR light curve of normal but slightly faint type Ia SN 2019ein from IMSNG project. We fit the early light curve (t<8.3 days from the first detection) with various models to find the shock-heated cooling emission from SN ejecta-companion interaction. No significant shock-heated cooling emission is found, from which we constrain the progenitor star size as the following. The upper limit (Rupper,*) of the companion size in R-band is ~0.2Rsun when forcing the first light time (tfl) to have one value and ~0.9Rsun when using the mean value of tfl from the fitting in each band. Assuming the source of the I-band curve is almost powered from the radioactive decay, we obtained Rupper,*~1.2 Rsun. The early B-V color curve agrees with the model color curve of the 2Msun main sequence companion. These results allow us to at least rule out large stars like red giants as a companion star of the binary progenitor system of this supernova.
«Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies (IMSNG) : Constraints on the Progenitor System of Type Ia Supernova SN 2019ein from the Early Light Curve»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 10:50 (UTC+5)
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The progenitor of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is mainly believed to be a close binary system of a carbon-oxygen white dwarf (CO WD) and non-degenerate companion (single degenerate) or another WD (double degenerate). However, it is unclear which system is more prevalent. Here, we present a high cadence optical/Near-IR light curve of normal but slightly faint type Ia SN 2019ein from IMSNG project. We fit the early light curve with various models to find the shock-heated cooling emission from SN ejecta-companion interaction. No significant shock-heated cooling emission is found, from which we constrain the progenitor star size as the following. The upper limit (Rupper,*) of the companion size in R-band is ~0.2Rsun when forcing the first light time (tfl) to have one value and ~0.9Rsun when using the mean value of tfl from the fitting in each band. Assuming the source of the I-band curve is almost powered from the radioactive decay, we obtained Rupper,*~1.2 Rsun. The early B-V color curve agrees with the model color curve of the 2Msun main sequence companion. These results allow us to at least rule out large stars like red giants as a companion star of the binary progenitor system of this supernova. B-R and V-R color do not show any significant signs of a red bump, which shows a thin helium shell (MHe smaller than 0.1Msun) for the sub-Mch WD (double detonation model). In addition, we estimated the distance to NGC 5353 as 37.098+/-0.028Mpc.
Vitaliy Kim |
Organization: HSE, FAI
Country: Russian Federation
«Practical use and capabilities of the AZT-20 telescope of Assy-Turgen observatory.»
Presentation type: Contributed talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 03, 10:20 (UTC+5)
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AZT-20 telescope with 1.5-m main mirror was established in Assy-Turgen observatory in 1990. The instrument was put into operation in 2017 its mechanical parts were partially refurbished. A quartz 4-lens focal reducer was installed allowing full FOW of 1x1 degrees. AZT-20 is equipped with CCD camera KAF9000 (23'x23' field of view) with Sloan griz optical filters. The observatory has a good astro-climate with estimated number of clear night hours of ~ 1500 per year and extremely low light pollution. The seeing is varying between 0.8’’ – 2’’. We report on most interesting observations in a current mode and future development and anticipated programs for AZT-20.
Padmakar Parihar |
Organization: Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore India
Country: India
«Building an Affordable 4m Class Optical Telescope»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 03, 10:40 (UTC+5)
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Building an Affordable 4m Class Optical Telescope
Myungshin Im |
Organization: Seoul National University
Country: Korea, South
«15 years of SNUCAM at Maidanak»
Presentation type: Contributed talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 10:00 (UTC+5)
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The year of 2021 marks the 15th anniversary of the Seoul National University 4k x 4k CCD Camera (SNUCAM) at Maidanak. SNUCAM is a 4k by 4k optical imager, and since its installment at the 1.5-m AZT telescope in August, 2006, it has been the workhorse instrument of the 1.5-m telescope. By taking data for many programs at Maidanak, SNUCAM has signified the fruitful collaboration between Korea and Uzbekistan astronomers and has helped bolster international collaborations between various countries at Maidanak. Upon the SNUCAM's 15th year anniversary, we review the history of SNUCAM and highlight some of the important scientific discoveries made by SNUCAM. We will also discuss prospects of SNUCAM and Korea-Uzbekistan collaboration centered on Maidanak.
Talat Akhunov |
Organization: National University of Uzbekistan
Country: Uzbekistan
«Preliminary light curves of double GLQ SDSSJ2124+1632 and SDSSJ0806+2006»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 01, 14:20 (UTC+5)
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Preliminary light curves of double GLQ SDSSJ2124+1632 and SDSSJ0806+2006
We present preliminary results of photometric analysis of gravitationally lensed quasars SDSSJ2124 + 1632 and SDSSJ0806 + 2006. The observations were carried out in 2017-2019 at the Maidanak Observatory in the R filter. The variability of the systems as a whole and lensed components is shown. We estimated time delay between two images in SDSSJ2124 + 1632.
Dmitry Bisikalo |
Organization: Institute fo astronomy of the Russian Academy of sciences (INASAN)
Country: Russian Federation
Rivkat Karimov |
Organization: Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (UBAI)
Country: Uzbekistan
«Observation with Astrotel – telescope»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 01, 15:20 (UTC+5)
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We present a brief description of the state of the AMT-1 telescope and information about observations begun in 2021 and the obtained first preliminary results.
Sakhibov Firouz |
Organization: University of Applied Sciences of Mittelhessen, Germany
Country: Germany
«Comparison between the Maidanak Observatory observations and the reference azimuthal offsets in “star cluster - H II region” pairs in NGC 628 from the Hubble Space Telescope observations»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 14:00 (UTC+5)
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Comparison between the Maidanak Observatory observations and the reference azimuthal offsets in “star cluster - H II region” pairs in NGC 628 from the Hubble Space Telescope observations
Frédéric Courbin |
Organization: EPFL
Country: Switzerland
«Cosmography with time delays in lensed quasars»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 14:50 (UTC+5)
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Measuring time delays in strongly lensed quasars has long been a challenging task, and part of this effort is brightly carried out at Maidanak observatory, in combination with observations from HST and approved time on JWST. I will review the topic and highlight the contributions from Maidanak.
Otabek Burkhonov |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
«Maidanak observatory: telescopes, equipment and their condition»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 01, 11:00 (UTC+5)
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Modernization of Maidanak observatory
strategy and their equipment
Yusuf Tillayev |
Organization: Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (UBAI)
Country: Uzbekistan
«Site testing at MAO: recent results»
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 02, 12:40 (UTC+5)
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Site testing at MAO: recent results
Presentation type: Plenary talk
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Date and time of the report on the program: 2021 November 01, 11:30 (UTC+5)
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Barno Egamberdieva |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan
Renat Gaysin |
Organization: UBAI
Country: Uzbekistan